Knitting & Crochet

We're continually adding to our collection of Yorkshire made knitting and crochet yarns. So whether you're an avid knitter, new to the game, an indie hand-dyer or luxury lover, we've got knitting all wrapped up.

If you'd like advice on finding the right yarn for you, simply contact us. We love talking wool.

With hundreds of yarns, all made right here at WoW HQ, we've got you covered.

Knitting & Crochet Supplies

Here's everything you'll need to get started


    Ideal for hand dyers & natural knits!

    A huge range of natural wool & fibre yarns, all made right here at WoW HQ.
    Various weights available

    view all undyed

    From 100% Wool to Luxurious Silk!

    Several DK Yarn collections including our popular Fluff, Woolaby, Distilled & Marble ranges

    view all dk yarns

    Needles, hooks & plenty more!

    Shop our collection of knitting & crochet accessories, including 100% bamboo needles

    view accessories

What's Hot Right Now

Here's our most popular yarns